Friday, 17 February 2012

Baby Sign Language: Introduce Language to Your Infant

 Baby Sign Language has gained popularity in recent years as a way to introduce language at a younger age. Studies have suggested that Baby Sign Language can positively impact an infant’s language, physical and social development. While natural language development begins at birth, an infant lacks the muscle strength necessary to develop and pronounce words. The development of these muscles continues into the toddler years and limits an infant’s ability to properly vocalize their needs or wants. Motor function development occurs much earlier in the hands and body. Baby Sign Language has proven to be an effective method for allowing any infant to better communicate their wants and needs at a younger age.

  While the idea of a baby communicating and signing is great, the long-term benefits of an infant signer are outstanding! Babies who sign are less likely to throw tantrums or experience low self-esteem as their attempts to communicate are recognized, understood and reinforced. The use of Baby Sign Language reduces the frustration experienced by both infant and caregiver when an infant cries for something or for some reason. Even more interesting is that is use of Baby Sign Language as a mode of early communication can increase a child’s IQ by up to 10 points, increase language and communication skills, and promotes learning through concepts. Babies who sign have been known to have better learning and reading skills, talk at a younger age, begin to use complex sentences at a younger age and use a wider vocabulary.

 Many parents ask, what is the best technique for introducing Baby Sign Language to an infant? Repeat, repeat, repeat! Signing and saying a word before, during and after an event will have your infant understanding signs and signing back to you in no time. It is important to be consistent with signing and reinforce any attempt your baby has made to sign. Much like any new skill your baby will develop, it requires practice to get it perfect. Most Baby Sign Language instructors agree that starting your infant with one or two specific signs is best. Slowly introduce more as they become more interested in signing. Soon your baby will experience a “signing explosion” where they start signing new words almost immediately!

  Learn 2 Sign uses Baby Sign Language classes to bringing early development strategies into you and your infant’s lives. Through games, songs and play you and your infant will learn ways to communicate while building a lasting bond. Baby Sign Language classes at Learn 2 Sign are just the beginning to lifelong learning!

1 comment:

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